Meet Our Dolls

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Grateful Blogger Tag and the In The Spotlight Award

So we finally made a couple awards!! To be honest, we made them because we were bored and wanted something to do... So anyway, first is the Grateful Blogger Tag. Since it is November, we thought that we would make up an award that shows the world how thankful you are. Here are the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you, they will surely appreciate it! Also, leave a link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Write about ten things you are thankful for. Here is the tricky part though; you can't just say you are grateful for gum or video games or whatever "little" thing it is you want to discuss. Think deeply about what is really really important to you, such as family, or life in it of itself. Explain why you are thankful for those things.
  • Tag ten other bloggers; our goal is to tag everyone!! Comment on the blogs you nominate so that they will know that they were tagged!
  • Add the pic above to you sidebar or award page thanking the person (or people) who tagged you.
So, here is an example:
1. We are thankful for our wonderful family because they support us in everything we do. 
2. We are thankful for the support we have received from so many amazing bloggers because you are the reason we have a blog :)
3. We are thankful for the arts and music for enriching our lives with beauty.
You get the gist?
We tag:
Now for the award I made up!
Here are the rules:
  • Thank the person who nominated you!
  • Take a picture representing one of your talents. It could include a picture of a doll(s), or something that represents your talent you chose.
  • Answer the 5 questions below:
  • Nominate at least three people that you have NEVER nominated for an award before. No tag backs!!
  • Ask them the same five questions I ask you.
  • Comment on their blog letting them know that you nominated them.
  • Add the pic above on your sidebar or award page thanking the person (or people) who nominated you.
Here are the questions!
1. When did you first begin your talent? 
2. Why do you love to do this? (your talent)
3. Who or what inspired you to begin your talent?
4. Is your talent a performing art, a visual art, or something else?
5. Do you have to practice your talent to improve?

We nominate:

Thanks for reading everyone, and have fun nominating!!
~<3Ginny~ and **June**


  1. Thank you guys for tagging me!!=)

  2. Aw! Thanks for nominating me! I'll get on it right away! :D
    Leah <3

  3. These seem really cool! Tysm for the nomination =)


  4. Thank you darlings for nominating me. ^-^
    I'll have the post up in a jiffy. =)

  5. Congrats on the award, and that's cool that you made one up! :)

  6. Thanks soo much, girls :) Can't wait to do this ♥

    1. Oh, we're very glad you're excited :) You're welcome!!
      ~<3Ginny~ and **June**

  7. Love the new Layout!

  8. I really like the ideas for these awards =)

    By the way,I moved my blog again, but this time I made it with blogger! So I would love it if you followed =)
    (Just click on my name to go to my new blog)


    1. Thank you!! You are so sweet!! Thank you for letting us know <3

  9. Hey Ginny and June! I nominated you for an award!

    Leah <3

  10. Awesome! Thank you sooo much for nominating me! :)


Thanks for commenting!! Don't say anything rude, swear, and be sure to treat everyone the way you would want to be treated! Thanks lovelies!
~Ginny, June, and all the Girls