Meet Our Dolls

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Piece of Paris~The Eiffel Tower

Hello lovelies! It's Ginny. :D I have rather missed commenting and such the past few weeks, so I'm glad to be back, and so is June! We both had the flu after Christmas break, so we weren't jazzing on posting at that moment. Anyway, I have decided to begin a short series inspired by Grace Thomas! I love Grace, but am not planning to get her, so I thought I would instead represent her theme through six photo shoots with the gals. I have decided to call it "A Piece of Paris," and each of the six shoots will have a theme to it. :D They are all Paris/French culture themed, and each one will have specific aspects to them. :) I love French culture, and am loving learning French, so this definitely represents my personality quite well.

So the first photo shoot is based on the Eiffel Tower, and is done with Marie-Grace. Grace and Cecile are my French dolls, so they will be starting and ending this series. Also, with this series, I'm going to give a bit of history about each of the themes (if they have one). Not a horribly large amount, just a bit. :)

The Eiffel Tower was built from 1887 to 1889 in Paris, France by Gustave Eiffel. He was the same man that designed and helped to build the Statue of Liberty, France's gift to the United States in the early 1800's. Soon after it was built, the tower was ridiculed by the people of France. They believed that the enormous, metal structure in the middle of the city was too much of an anomaly, and frankly was ugly. Nevertheless, the Eiffel Tower has become a symbol for Paris, and for France as a whole. It has become one of the most well known structures in the world.
(I wrote this all from prior knowledge other than the dates. I give credit to Google for the dates that popped up on a small sidebar.)

I feel like these photos are rather amateur, but oh well. :D Comment your favorite below!
P.S. How do you all like our new blog design? :D
Other Info:
Doll: Marie-Grace Historical
Camera: Nikon Coolpix S4300
Clothing: Top-made by me
Jacket-from ?
Pants-made by me
Shoes-Julie's Dog Walking Set (AG)
Historical Dates: This Link.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

You Are Amazing, and so is Your Blog Award

Shelby-Grace from Oh My Dollies nominated us for the "You Are Amazing, and so is Your Blog" Award. Thank you so much, hun. You are so sweet, and we always love hearing from you. <3
Here are the rules:
1. Copy and paste these rules on to your award post.
2. Come up with at least 5 fun questions for your nominees to answer. 
3. Nominate at least 5 people who you think are amazing and have a amazing blog. 
4. List at least 1 reason why you appreciate the people you nominated
5. Put this award on your sidebar of award/tag page if you were nominated.
6. Leave a comment on your nominees blog letting them know they've been nominated

Here are our answers to Shelby-Grace's Questions:
1. What doll do you want to purchase next?
Ginny: To be honest, I haven't really given a lot of thought to it, but I believe I would probably want Grace Thomas.
June: Addy, Samantha, or Grace, but probably most likely I would get Samantha.
2. What is your opinion on Grace Thomas?
Ginny: *coughs* I THINK SHE'S STINKIN' ADORABLE! *cough* I really like that she has side bangs, and I think her theme is really creative. I've gotten rather tired of all of the GOTY's being sporty, or riding horses. It's gotten a bit old.
June: I like her because she is very unique, ahemsidepartedbangsahem. 3. If you were asked by AG to create the next GOTY, what would her personality be and what would she and her collection look like?
Ginny: Ooh, jeez, I don't know. I think she would probably be quiet and would play some sort of instrument since they haven't really done that yet. I'm not really sure what she would look like; maybe African-American or a red-head.
June: I think I'd rather create a historical character who would be another WWII girl.4. What is your favorite candy? (random question, I know ;)  ) 
Ginny: Hmm....I really like Twix, but I also love toffee. :D
June: Junior Mints!5. What kind of AG doll do you prefer: MAG, Historical/BeForever, or GOTY? 
Ginny: I like Historical/Beforever the best, but GOTY is right up there because of Nicki. :)
June: Historical and GOTY!
We nominate the same people we did before:
American Girl Chick: She is so sweet, and is always so supportive! Her blog is also absolutely adorable. :)
Olivia the Geek: She brings out the geekiness in all of us!! xD She is also a really sweet girl. :)
Zoe: She has always been so kind to us, has an amazing blog, and has supported our blog since the beginning. 
Charlotte: She is such a sweet girl, and is so likeable!! She has a great personality also. :)
Cassandra Day: She is so fun to fangirl with, and just have a lengthy and interesting conversation with. :)
We're pretty sure most of these girls have already done it, but just in case. ;)
Here are our previous questions as well:
1. Wonder Woman or Super Girl (or do you even know who they are S;))?
2. Which of your Christmases in the past have been the most memorable?
3. Do you like making things out of duct tape? If so, what have you made?
4. If you celebrate Christmas, on your tree, do you hang unique ornaments that each family member has, or do you hang ornaments that all look the same? (Sorry if this question was confusing)
5. What is your favorite version of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol? (It could be the book, or it could be one of the movies)
Most of these are kind of Christmas-y because it was Christmas Time when we wrote them. :)

We should have an OOTW post up tomorrow for Maddie's contest/series thing-y. :D

P.S. coughcoughthisisourseventiethpostcoughcough

Sunday, January 11, 2015

LSN~Season 1, Episode 6 & 6 Month Blogiversary

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys it's our six month Blogiversary (sorry, I had no idea how to spell that)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If someone had told me that we were going to have nearly 9000 views and 46 followers on our six month mark, I don't think I would have believed them. I know that these aren't the biggest milestones ever, but for us they're a huge deal.


I honestly don't even remember July very well. I know our first post was a welcome post, and then I believe I did this post about Camp Doll Diaries:

All I can say is I do believe my photography has come a long way. :)
I also know our first comment was from Hannah from AGDTime, and that Maddie, Cassie, Dollympics547, and Zoe were a couple of our first followers. Thanks guys. :)

We are so grateful for all your support, because it really has brought us all this way. I don't know how long exactly we will be operating this blog, but I know it will at least be for the next few years. Without you, it probably would have already crashed and burned. :) Without all of you, we probably wouldn't have come up with LSN and RP, and probably would still be taking rather amateur photos. So for those reasons, THANK YOU!! You are all such inspirations to us, and we are infinitely grateful. 

Anyway, that was my huge thank you. Maybe as a thank you sort of thing we'll redesign the blog or somethin'. Would you all rather have a single picture as the header, or a collage? The collage would probably end up being like the background.:) Anyway, here is LSN, and sorry about the blurriness of some of the photos, apparently my room was too dark for photo taking. :) Also, this part is rather short, but it helps explain where all of the characters are.
From Coralee's POV
 I sit reading my book quietly.
 I hear a young girl clear her throat, look up, and see my maid Marianne standing expectantly in front of me. 
"What is it Marianne? Don't you see I'm busy?" 
 "Yes, m'am, I do see that, but m'am, she's awake."
 I smile, stand up and set my book down on the chair. I say, "Good, it's about time."
 I turn around and find that Marianne is still looking at me, her hands clasped behind her back. I look her up and down, and see that her uniform is missing something. Her hair is also a mess, as if our guest had been giving her a hard time. "Marianne, I expect you to wear tights. You know that. If you aren't wearing some tomorrow, you may have to begin looking for a new place of employment."
She nods solemnly and turns on her heel.
 She leads me down the hall towards the girl's room.
 When we reach the room, Marianne moves off to the side, and I gaze at the girl in the bed.
 She is tied to the headboard, her wrists appearing chaffed and sore. Her clothing and face are filthy, and she looks at me with hatred through half closed eyes.
 I walk closer and rest my hand on the foot board. "Well, our little ray of sunshine has finally awoken," I sneer.
 The girl coughs weakly and says, "Don't you ever talk to me like that."
 "Well, that's quite a rude way to treat your caretaker."
The girl laughs harshly and says, "As if, you're a captor and a bully. This is the first time I've seen you in the months I've been here."
This time it's my turn to laugh. I chuckle lightly and say, "Well, you're quite a firecracker aren't you? The thing is Aurelie, you've been unconscious nearly the entire time you've been here. How am I supposed to talk to you then? Hmm?" She doesn't respond so I keep talking. "Anyway, you're good bait so did you really think I would let you go? No. Of course not. I need her here, and I know she would do anything for you. You're the perfect lure for her." I laugh, getting ready to leave her with Marianne again.
 "You should know you won't get away with this Coralee, because you won't, even if you believe you will."
"Bien, ma cherie, ce est là que vous avez tort." I allow a sinister grin to pass over my face. "I already have gotten away with it."
I turn on my heel, leaving the stubborn girl alone with Marianne, and hoping that my bait will work. 
La Dictionaire Francais:
Bien, ma cherie, ce est là que vous avez tort: Well, my dear, that's where you are wrong.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Le Soir Noir~Season 1, Episode 5

YAY, I'M SO EXCITED!! I finally took photos for this after neglecting it for a month!! We have a lot of snow outside, which I thought would make it harder to film this, but it turns out that the snow may help me with a twist in the story. S:) Anyway children, enjoy this immensely.
From Bernadette's POV
 "Stop right there," I say, seeing the auburn haired girl in the red cloak. I know that it must be our mysterious patient.
"Honey, you need to stay here. We're here to help, none of us will hurt you."
The girl stops and turns slightly, so that I can just see the corner of one emerald green eye.
"How do I know you won't hurt me? How can you prove it?"
 I think for a moment and say, "Well, we are all health professionals who are here to help you. We want nothing more than to assure that you are healthy before we can let you go. S'il vous plait, cherie, nous voulons aider vous!"
 "Je suis desole, but I can't trust anyone right now, I have to find her, or she's doomed."
 "Hun, we don't know who 'she' is. We need you to tell us, along with your own name."
 However, the girl darts around the corner, leaving me alone and feeling rather exasperated.
 "Please, don't run. We need to talk to you!"
I follow her around the corner.
 She opens the door and rushes out into the cool morning.
 I follow in close pursuit, barely catching the door as she attempts to slam it behind her.
 When she emerges from the hospital, she seems disoriented by either the landscape or the weather; I can't tell which.
 However, it doesn't stop her for long, she begins to sprint, cape billowing out behind her, away from the hospital.
 "Wait!! I'm not joking, we really can help you," I yell. "You just have to give us that opportunity."
 The girl hadn't made it far, but she still takes a few steps closer to me and says, "I'm tired of counting on other people. I've done it my entire life, and I can't do it anymore because they always let me down, no matter what. I am the only one who can save Aurelie. It's my fault she's gone, so I am the only one who can get her back."
 She turns and sprints away, not looking back once.
 I sigh and murmur to myself, "Maybe Josette can get through to her. I need to have her find her."
Shivering from the cold, I turn and walk straight into the hospital, immediately beginning to think about what to do next.
La Dictionaire Francais:
S'il vous plait, cherie, nous voulons aider vous:  Please, honey, we want to help you
Je suis desole: I'm sorry
What do you guys think? Do you have any predictions as to who Aurelie is?

I already took the pictures for E.6 (I'm being legit this time, I really did), so I'm going to type that up and schedule it to post tomorrow!
See you all tomorrow my lovelies!