Meet Our Dolls

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Photoshoot with Isabelle + HUGE Apology

Well here goes, hey guys I am back! I know it is been forever since I posted, and I understand if you hate me now. So here I am finally posting and I am giving you a rotten photoshoot, again I am sorry, but here comes good news... I promise to post more often then I have been lately, and this  photoshoot also has a hair tutorial type thing-y so you can try it out if you want to soon. Let's get started because I know you guys are pulling your hair out right telling me to the start the photoshoot XD!!!!!!!!!!

Here is little Izzy looking out the window wanting summer to come and my cat Penny is there too I guess. (Yes I know she is in her ballet outfit, she just came back from practice) 
 Now she is sitting on the floor, in this photo she looks a bit like Anna sitting on the floor begging Elsa to come out and singing "Do You Want to Build a Snowman".

                                                    Looking out the window once again.
 As I was taking this photo I was praying because I was worried Izzy would slip through the bars on our railing.
 So this is how to make the hairstyle, you need:
~ Hairbrush 
~ Hair Elastics (I use Rainbow Loom bands)
1. Take one section of hair on either side of the doll's head and braid the sections.
2. Wrap one of the sections under her head like in picture  #2 and #3 (left hand side)
3. With the other section simply wrap the hair around the top of her head like in picture #5.
4. Lastly with the remaining hair, braid it and leave it alone like in picture #2 and #3.
I am not sure what to call this hairstyle but how about Triple Braid? Maybe, maybe not?

                                                   P.S. Do you like my new signature?

Friday, November 28, 2014

Eyes Open~An AG Photoshoot

Hello everyone! Are any of you doing any Black Friday shopping? I know I'm not. I went black Friday shopping at a busy store once (Kohl's) and it was only because June, my mom, and I forgot it was Black Friday. I don't know how we forgot, it's always the day after Thanksgiving, but we did. Anyway, I was super bored, so I went out and took some pictures of Felicity because all of the snow melted. I based the photo shoot after two things:
1. The song "Eyes Open" by Taylor Swift. I really used to love her music, but it has grown unimpressive over the past few years, so I just listen to her old music. I believe it was written for the Hunger Games, because it's on my HG CD. I was also inspired by Miss Adaline Grey to do this photo shoot because of her "Safe and Sound" photoshoot :) I give her full credit for the idea. You can see her wonderful post here.
2. I've been reading a really interesting (yet extremely gory) series of books called "The Ashes Trilogy." It is absolutely fascinating, and I would totally explain it, but the first book takes the first 200 pages to explain what is happening. So I'll leave it at that. The series is by Ilsa J. Bick, and I really recommend it. The characters do swear quite a bit, but if you don't let it bother you and just ignore the swearing, it is really not too inappropriate. The main character's name is Alex. She is a really cool character, and she is a red head, so I thought Lissie (she's about as close as I get to a red-head) would be a good candidate for a photo shoot based on the books :)
I hope you all enjoy!
 Everybody's waiting
Everybody's watching
Even when you're sleeping
 Keep your ey-eyes open
 The tricky thing, 
Is yesterday we were just children,
 Playing soldiers
Just pretending
Dreaming dreams with happy endings
 In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords
 But now we've stepped into a cruel world
Where everybody stand and keeps score
 Keep your eyes open
 Everybody's waiting for you to break down
Everybody's watching to see the fall-out
 Even when you're sleeping, sleeping
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
 So here you are, two steps ahead and staying, on guard
Every lesson forms a new scar
They never thought you'd make it this far
But turn around (turn around), oh they've surrounded you
It's a showdown (showdown) and nobody comes to save you now
 But you've got something they don't
Yeah, you've got something they don't
You just gotta keep your eyes open
  Everybody's waiting for you to break down
Everybody's watching to see the fall-out
Even when you're sleeping, sleeping
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes
 Keep your feet ready
Heartbeat steady
Keep your eyes open
 Keep your aim locked
The night goes dark
 Keep your ey-ey-eyes open
Keep your eyes open
Keep your eyes open
Keep your eyes open
Keep your eyes open
 Everybody's waiting for you to break down
Everybody's watching to see the fall-out
Even when you're sleeping, sleeping
 Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
What did you all think? I did this photo shoot with my mom's camera, and I really like how these pics turned out (her camera is a Nikon D40) I'm wondering if maybe I need a new camera....Also, Lissie's hair looks really messy in these photos. I didn't intend that, but it was really windy so her hair got really messy. Did anyone else notice how ironic these photos were? The song was telling you to keep your eyes open, and yet Lissie's eyes were closed in nearly every one. THE IRONY, THE IRONY! Here are some behind the scenes pics just for fun :)
 This stinker kitty decided to come over and rub up against me while I was taking pictures. He knocked Lissie over twice. (This is our other cat named Cooper, we tell him apart because he is so much chunkier than Penny, and he has white paws and a white chest)
Poor Lissie :(
Info: Doll-Felicity Historical
Camera-Nikon D40
Clothes- Hat~ an old hat of mine that doesn't fit anymore
Shirt~From ?
Jeans~from a local doll shop
Coat~from ?
Boots~Rebecca's School Dress (AG)

P.S. I keep trying to get June to post, but she keeps forgetting or something. I'll have to keep bugging her I guess because I feel bad that she has not been posting. :1

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We hope your day has been filled with many blessings, family, and yummy food :) We are very thankful for all of you, our family, safety, friends, and countless other things that are apart of our daily lives :)
What is your Thanksgiving tradition? For us it is going over to our Grandparent's house and eating "dinner" (at like 2:00 :P) and then we hang out with our cousins for the rest of the night :)
~<3Ginny~ and **June**

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Mockingjay Part 1

asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjkl You guys. We saw Mockingjay yesterday. It was so stinkin amazing that I can't stand it! I obviously won't give anything away in this post for those of you who want to see it because that would be rude :P Anyway, I will take a moment to fangirl a bit. 

PEETA. AND KATNISS. BUT ESPECIALLY PEETA. I just about died every time he came on screen because of how much his appearance changed. Like I said before, I won't give anything away for those of you who haven't read the books or sen the movie. But those of you who read the books: he looks just how you imagine him, and maybe even worse. It really broke my heart </3

They left several somewhat important parts out, but they added some things that made it a bit less confusing if you haven't read the books. The things they added really made up for the fact that they left some stuff out. 


And ohmygoodness, The Hanging Tree. Enough said right? xD Jen sang it so well, it was just so amazing. You really have to see it to get the full gist of what I'm saying though; it was perfect. YOU NEED TO WATCH IT HERE: 

I've never been a huge fan of Gale, he kind of annoys me. But in this one, I felt so bad for him. He was actually a bit of a jerk in Mockingjay (the book), but for some reason, I felt really really bad for him. Hmm, I guess I will be rereading the book to see if he was like that at the beginning. Maybe he gets vicious after he comes back from getting Peeta...

It was an emotional night for me last night. June and my mom thought I was insane, but I nearly cried my heart out about eight times during the movie last night, and afterward I was really...what's the word? Jittery is what I told my friend T, but I'm not really sure if that sums it up. When I texted her last night she though I was hurt or something because I was a little emotional. You can believe I'm crazy, but you all know that you do that for your fandoms ;)

For Adi and Evie: I saw the Hobbit trailer and ohmyheck it looks amazing. IF GANDALF DIES THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO. I need to see it when it comes out on DVD for sure, it looks amazing!!

Thanks for reading everyone!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

What do we have to post today? More awards!!

Because you are all so fabulous, you've been creating great new awards!! So, we were nominated for a few more.
First is the Winter Wonders Tag created by Olivia the Geek at AG Geeks!! Thank you so much Olivia! If you haven't visited her blog yet, you should; she's amazingly talented :)
Here are the rules:

-Nominate an awesome fellow blogger who you think would have fun answering wintery questions. Don't forget to leave a comment on your nominee's blog that lets them know they have been nominated! You can nominate three to five people.

-Answer the five questions below.

-Copy and paste these guidelines before your post.

-Tagbacks are allowed.

-Have fun!
1. What is your favorite part of winter?
Ginny: Ooh, getting to stay inside and read and wearing sweaters :) I have a thing for sweaters :)
June: Drinking hot chocolate and sledding probably :)
2. What is your favorite part of the holidays?
Ginny: I would definitely say how happy everyone is. Everyone becomes happy and kind and just full of the holiday spirit :)
June: I agree with Ginny, and I get to spend time with my family.
3. What is your favorite holiday song?
Ginny: White Christmas. Or this really pretty song we're playing in orchestra called Sheep May Safely Graze by Johann Sebastian Bach.
June: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
4. Do you have a favorite winter food?
Ginny: YES!! We make apple pie, pumpkin fluff (which is divine), and chocolate crinkle cookies. They are all amazing :)
June: Chocolate crinkle cookies :)
5. Do you go outside after it snows? If so, what games do you play (sledding, snowman building, snowball fights, etc.)?
Ginny and June: It depends on how much snow we get. Usually we get a foot or more when it snows so we do go outside. We don't go out very often, but the last time we did (which was Christmas Eve last year) we sled on the hill in our backyard or we have a snowball fight. :)
Thanks again Olivia!! 
We nominate:
and Rylee
We also got nominated for our own award, the Grateful Blogger tag by Kelsey and Ella Louise. Thanks girls, ans sorry it took us so long to get this up!! June is busy right now, so she told me to just do this one by myself. She stands by what I say though :)
1. I am thankful for my family. They have been there for me through thick and thin, and I don't think I could live without them ;)
2. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn at school and from the books I read. They expand my vocabulary, and make me more aware of the world around me.
3. I am thankful for my sister (June!!!!) and my brother because they have always been my buddies who I know I can count on :)
4. I am thankful for being so fortunate to have a roof over my head, and to be able to live well. I know my parents have worked very hard to provide everything we need.
5. I am thankful for my dolls, and even though I know they're just dolls, I also know that they will keep my secrets, allow me to rant without judging me, and allow me to talk to them without them interrupting.
6. I am thankful for my seventh grade English teacher Mr. C, my U.S. History teacher Mrs. E, and my middle school orchestra teacher Mr. F. My English teacher was the teacher that proved to me that I would survive middle school, and that I would make friends. My U.S History teacher proved to me that I don't have to be embarrassed for being a good student, and that that is a good thing. Mr. F helped me turn in to the violinist I am today, without him, I would never have learned vibrato, or 12/8 time, or countless other things he helped me learn to do. 
7. I am thankful for music. For the longest time, I didn't know what my talent was, and once I discovered my talent for playing the violin, I knew that I would stick with it forever.
8. I am thankful for writing, because without it, I wouldn't want to be an author, and I wouldn't have books to read. I'm kind of a book geek, but through writing and reading, I've discovered that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
9. I am thankful for photography, because without it, I wouldn't be able to see many things in the world. Photography has really affected my life.
10. I am thankful for all of you, because without you, we wouldn't have a blog. It'd just be a bunch of pictures on a private page that no one else would ever read. 

Thanks again Ella, Kelsey and Olivia!
~<3Ginny~ and **June**

Friday, November 21, 2014


You guys. Mockingjay. Today. Which equals squealing my head off because I'm so excited. You guys better be ready to read all about my obsession. And those of you who read this entire post, I commend you because I know that not many of you are into the Hunger Games. So enjoy guys! (I got most of these pictures off of Facebook or, so I don't really know who the original images are from. Therefore, I give credit to all of those Facebook pages and the Hunger Memes)
First of all, I am going to start with the basics, because who doesn't love a good movie poster?
Aww yeah!! Catching Fire Movie Posters!! When I first saw these, I freaked out just a little bit. I mean, they used lines from the book...and they had the date and everything!! I remember thinking, "I can't wait that long!" Now I'm thinking, "That came really fast, and now Mockingjay is out!!"
Before you guys have to find out in a much more alarming way, Finnick is one of my very favorite characters. He's kind of one of those characters that you can't help but have a crush on (June thinks I'm crazy for having a crush on a fictional character, but be honest, you all do)
I can't tell you how perfect these Mockingjay posters are! All of the actors they chose look nearly EXACTLY like I imagined them, which is always a good thing. 
Now I'm just going to do some random interview,edit type things :)



This is literally my life. 
Except it is already over soo....throw me into a deeper cliff. 

Ugh, they waited to long to put up the trailer :P
You probably will only understand this one if you have read the books. :)
I thought this was pretty fabulous! My friend T and I do something similar to this, we call it a book debate :)
This is so true I never imagined it as it was above :)
If you also were waiting for the trailer for all that time, I'm sure you share my pain. 
For a while, our little bro was obsessed with Toy Story, so I have a great appreciation for this :)
Once again, only makes sense if you read the books. 
I'm pretty sure we all feel this way about our fandom :P
I thought some of you Marvel/Tom Hiddleston fans would have a great appreciation for this. Also, sorry about the blurred out words, we don't like swearing :)
Percy Jackson reference :)

*incoherent sobbing*

Oh Josh...xD
I don't know if I could actually imagine Disney characters fighting to the death; it's a little disturbing. 
In case you haven't noticed, I reference nearly everything to books. Even books to books. 



This is just a song they sing in the books, it doesn't really have much to do with the story, I just like it. (obviously not for its content ;))

This is the most accurate map that anyone has made of Panem. Once again, I never ever imagined it like this xD Literally, people researched this. You have to have A LOT of spare time to be able to do that :)
That look on Snow's face though...
I figured all of you Frozen fans would probably like this :)
This part in the movie and the book broke my heart just a little bit :')
Les Miserables :) I really hope we read this next year in French :)

Isn't this art beautiful? I NEED TO FIND THE ARTIST!!! 
Wouldn't it be cool if this were true?
This is literally one of my favorite things ever. EVER.
I think these may be song lyrics, but I'm not entirely sure. Can anyone clarify?
I may or may not be trying to get the materials to sew this dress ;)
I hate how distant they are from one another in Catching Fire. Although, it makes sense. She didn't really love him until the end. 
I'm dying xD



I thought I would end with this just for fun :)

Well, that's it!! YOU GUYS THOUGH, I WAS SO RIGHT ABOUT HOW MOCKINGJAY PART ONE ENDS. I WON'T TELL BUT I AM GOING TO DIE. (I haven't seen it yet, I just asked a friend who had seen it. I know that seems weird that I would ask about the ending, but I've already read the books, and plus, I have known it would end the way it does for months.) If you read the whole thing, comment "The Mockingjay lives" below :)

Thanks for reading my slightly obsessive post! ;)